League Rules 2022 - 2023 (Subject to change)

1. Uniforms.

  1. 1.1  It is required to have numbers on the back of the uniform, but it is

    recommended that uniform numbers be on both the front and back of the


  2. 1.2  It is recommended, but not required, that teams have both a dark and light-

    colored jersey.

  3. 1.3  Jerseys must be tucked in while playing.

  1. Home Team Designation.
    2.1 The team listed first will be the home team.
    2.2 The home team will wear the lighter colored jersey.

  2. Game Ball.
    3.1 The home team shall provide the game ball. If both teams cannot agree on a game

    ball, an alternate ball, as chosen by the site supervisor, will be used.
    3.2 An intermediate size ball (28.5") will be used for the 10U (4th grade) and younger

    divisions. All other divisions will use a regulation size ball (29.5").

  3. Regulation Clock and Exceptions.

    1. 4.1  Eighteen-minute running clock halves with stop clock on free throws and the last

      two minutes of the second half.

    2. 4.2  All overtime periods will be 2 minutes. The game will consist of as many overtimes

      as necessary to determine the winner.

    3. 4.3  Running Clock Rule.

      1. 4.3.1  When a team leads by 20 points or more during the last 9 (nine) minutes of the game, a running clock will be used.

      2. 4.3.2  If the lead is reduced below 10 points, then the regulation clock is resumed.

      3. 4.3.3  Anytime the running clock is used, the clock is stopped only for time- outs, injuries or at the officials' discretion.

    4. 4.4  Half-Time will be 2 minutes (half-time length may be reduced at the discretion of the site director).

    5. 4.5  Pre-Game Warm-Up will be a minimum of 5 minutes (the warm-up time length may be reduced or extended at the discretion of the site director).

  1. Free Throws.
    5.1 Teams will shoot 1&1 free throws beginning with the 7th team foul.
    5.2 Teams will be in double bonus and shoot two free throws beginning with the 10th

    team foul.

  2. Timeouts.
    6.1 Each team will be allowed 4 timeouts per game.
    6.2 One additional timeout will be allowed for each overtime period. 6.3 Regulation timeouts do not carry over into overtime.

  3. Backcourt Violation.
    7.1 Officials will enforce a ten second backcourt violation rule for the entire game.

  4. Defense Rules.
    8.1 Pressing Rules

    8.1.1 Teams are not allowed to press (of any kind) beyond half court with a 20 point or more lead anytime during the game.

    8.1.2 If the lead is reduced below 20 points, teams are then allowed to press beyond half court.

    8.1.3 In the 11U and below divisions of the league, teams are not allowed to press, double team, or “trap” until 6 (six) minutes are left in the second half.

    8.1.4 The first violation of any of the “no press” rules above will draw a warning from the officials; subsequent violations will be assessed a bench technical foul (indirect technical foul to head coach).

  5. Coach/Player/Fan Ejection.

    1. 9.1  Any coach, player or fan who is ejected from a game by a game official or the site

      director will not be allowed to participate in or watch the next scheduled game for

      that team.

    2. 9.2  Multiple game ejections may result in additional suspension or corrective action.

    3. 9.3  If the ejected person refuses to leave the gym the official or site director may issue

      a two-minute warning. If the person does not vacate the gym after this warning, then a forfeit will be issued to the offending team.

  6. Behavior Standards.
    10.1 Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

10.1.1 Inappropriate behavior includes cursing, harassing or threatening officials or coaches, berating players, etc.

10.2 Each coach is responsible for the conduct of the team's players, coaches, and fans on and off the court and must promote good sportsmanship, win or lose.

10.3 The site director or any game official may take corrective action to assure the safety and well-being of all participants, and the integrity and standards of the league. All teams, coaches, players, and attendees are subject to such rulings and corrective actions.

11. Player Eligibility.
11.1 Player Eligibility by Age

8U/2nd - An athlete can be no older than 8 on September 1, 2023. 9U/3rd - An athlete can be no older than 9 on September 1, 2023. 10U/4th - An athlete can be no older than 10 on September 1, 2023. 11U/5th - An athlete can be no older than 11 on September 1, 2023. 12U/6th - An athlete can be no older than 12 on September 1, 2023. 13U/7th - An athlete can be no older than 13 on September 1, 2023. 14U/8th - An athlete can be no older than 14 on September 1, 2023.

11.2 Grade Exceptions.
11.2.1 Two (2) grade exceptions will be allowed per team. For example, an

athlete who turns 14 on July 1st, 2023, but is in 7th grade, may play in

the 13U division as a grade exception. 11.3 Maximum Age.

11.3.1 Even if grade eligible, no player may play in a division in which the player is more than one year older than the corresponding age for that division. For example, a 13-year-old 5th grader is not eligible to participate in the 11U division.

12. Playing on Multiple Teams.
12.1 A player CANNOT play on more than one team in the same age division. For

example, a player cannot play on two different teams in the 12U division.
12.2 A player CANNOT play in their age division and play up as well. For example, a

player cannot play 12U and 13U.
12.3 If a player is found violating rules regarding playing on multiple teams, both

teams the player played on will receive forfeits for the current game and all previous games played.

13. Rosters and Proof of Player Eligibility. 13.1 Rosters

  1. 13.1.1  Rosters are due prior to the first game.

  2. 13.1.2  Rosters may be added to until the end of the second game of the

    season, at which time rosters will be considered final.

13.2 Proof of player eligibility

  1. 13.2.1  Proof is the responsibility of the team manager or coach.

  2. 13.2.2  Acceptable Forms of Documentation. Acceptable proofs of age include clear photocopies of birth certificate, adoption papers, or current passport. Acceptable proofs of grade include a clear copy of a report card for the current or immediately preceding school year, progress report for current school year or current school ID.

  3. 13.2.3  Proof of player eligibility must be submitted prior to the first game. Failure to do so may result in a forfeit of any games played prior to submission.

14. Player Eligibility Protest.
14.1 Player eligibility protests can be submitted only by a coach or team manager. 14.2 Protest Upheld.

14.2.1 If a player is ruled ineligible the player will be prohibited from participating in the remaining games of the season. If a post-game protest is upheld, that game will be forfeited by the team with the ineligible player. Prior games will also be forfeited. The team will be allowed to continue to participate without the ineligible player(s).

14.3 Player Reinstatement.
14.3.1 If a player is ruled ineligible for the sole reason that the team did not

have eligibility documentation for the player, the player can subsequently be ruled eligible if such documentation is later provided. The reinstatement is for competition after the documentation being provided and no prior action will be modified or set aside.

15. Ruling Binding.
15.1 There is NO appeal of any upholding or denial of a player eligibility protest.
15.2 The site director shall apply the Player Eligibility Rules in such manner as the site

director deems appropriate to uphold not only the letter but the spirit of such

15.3 The league director will impose such additional sanctions, suspensions, or other

corrective action it deems appropriate under the facts and circumstances of

noncompliance with the player eligibility rules.
15.4 All coaches, players, and attendees shall be bound by any such application of the

rules and corrective action imposed.

16. Signed Waiver/Release.
16.1 In addition, to the proof of age/grade eligibility requirements, each player is

required to have a parent/guardian signed Release/Waiver on file. Participation privileges may be suspended for any player without a signed Release/Waiver.

17. Game Forfeiture Policy.
17.1 Team Forfeiting Game. When a team forfeits a game, the following rules shall


  1. 17.1.1  The team forfeiting receives a loss for the scheduled game and

    receives a -15 on the scoresheet.

  2. 17.1.2  The team forfeits any team or individual awards given for

    participation in the forfeited game.

  3. 17.1.3  A game called by an official or site director due to the misconduct of a

    player, coach or fan shall be deemed a forfeit by such team.

  4. 17.1.4  When a team forfeits a game and does not give the site director 48

    hours advance notice, the team will be required to pay a forfeit penalty of $50 per forfeited game. The forfeit penalty is due prior to the team's entry in any subsequent league events.

17.2 Team Having Game Forfeited (winning team). When a team receives a forfeited game, the following rules shall apply:

  1. 17.2.1  The team receives a +15 on the scoresheet if their team plays with the verified rostered players.

  2. 17.2.2  If the team does not play with the verified rostered players, then the game will be considered a double forfeit and each team is given a loss and 0 points will be recorded for both teams.

  3. 17.2.3  Games may start with 4 players. A forfeit MAY be declared if a team fails to appear with at least four (4) eligible players at game time (Fifteen to zero 15-0 shall be the recorded score).

  4. 17.2.4  The forfeit will be issued by the site director and exceptions MAY be allowed.